Also known as Spice Finches or Nutmeg Mannikins, these tiny Asian birds were originally imported as pets. The escapees found the area appealing and were able to establish a wild population here. The one on the right is a juvenile. The one on the left is starting to grow adult plumage.
Only a few months old, these two babies were slated for the dinner table, their intended final destination revealed by metal tags puncturing their beautiful Nubian ears. Instead, they won the California Goat Lottery.
After being abandoned at a church, they were transported to a city shelter, where they were soon rescued by the combined efforts and donations of caring volunteers. After a trip to the vet to be treated for parasites, dehydration, upper respiratory illness and to have the painful ear tags removed, they were transported to an ocean view home to be quarantined while they recover from their ordeal. Eventually, they will join other barnyard friends and be able to live out their lives in peace. With a reminder that there are many beautiful shelter pets just like him waiting for an opportunity to be your best friend ever!
Panther was found in a Bakersfield orchard after having been severely abused. The terrific people at The REAL Bark are doing everything possible to help him heal. Now safe in a loving foster home, the twelve week old puppy wears casts after surgery to repair multiple breaks in both back legs. Later he'll get physical therapy for his nerve-damaged left front leg.
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December 2021
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